Why is it so hard to do the right thing—the very thing you know God wants you to do? The direction He wants to take you, the blessings He has lined up, are just waiting for us to listen, abide in Him, and follow His truth, His way for our lives. But why is surrendering to God so difficult? There are as many different answers as there are people in the world. Each of us has had different experiences, traumas, and personalities, yet we all crave the same things: love, security, and purpose.
The Universal Need for God’s Love and Purpose
Despite our unique lives, we all share a longing to be loved, cared for, secure, and purposeful. This universal need points directly to God. He built us with a deep desire to know we are loved and to understand our purpose. We ask ourselves daily, “Am I loved?” “Am I accepted?” “Am I secure?” “Why am I here?” These questions drive us to seek answers, but where we seek those answers varies.
The Struggle to Find Fulfillment in Worldly Things
For years, I sought fulfillment in people, especially men, to make me feel accepted and loved. I believed that having a boyfriend or lover would make me whole. I also turned to shopping, drinking, flirting, sex, and achievements to meet these deep needs. But these worldly distractions blocked me from the true source of fulfillment—God. Despite being busy and entertained, I felt empty, always searching for a way to fill the spiritual hunger inside.
The Temporary Nature of Worldly Fulfillment
The more I searched for fulfillment in worldly things, the more I felt like a disposable paper cup—leaking and unable to hold anything for long. The temporary fixes never provided the lasting satisfaction I craved. I realized that nothing in this world could meet my deeper, more sustainable needs. But where was I supposed to find true fulfillment?
11 Steps to a close relationship with Jesus
The Power of Surrendering to God
The answer was always up. I was made—we were all made—to surrender to God. Only He knows us completely—our thoughts, fears, triumphs, and disappointments. God is the one who tells us who we are, who we belong to, how secure we are in Him, and that He created us for His purpose. To experience true spiritual fulfillment, we must be ready and willing to surrender to Him 100%.
The Journey to Complete Surrender
We cannot have one foot in God’s plan and the other in the world. Our way may feel familiar and comfortable, but it’s not where we find true fulfillment. Trusting in God’s plan may initially feel challenging, but over time, His love, grace, and peace will fill us in ways we never imagined. He is always near, never leaving or rejecting us, and always ready to fill our deepest needs when we surrender fully to Him.