From Thorns to Blossoms

My Forty Year Journey Of How God Healed My Rejection Wounds
From Thorns to Blossoms is a testament to the transformative power of surrender and the boundless grace of God, turning brokenness into beauty. Heidi beckons readers to join her on a journey of healing, redemption, and the abundant life found in God’s love.

Discover the power of God’s love and grace.

Explore Heidi’s remarkable journey as she navigates a life of adversity, healing, and redemption. Discover how she overcame a dysfunctional family, parental divorce, abandonment, and childhood abuse. Witness the heavy burdens she carried through teenage pregnancy, abortion, and searching for love in the wrong places. Observe the pain and consequences of her choices that led to divorce and see the transformative power of fully surrendering to God and experiencing true freedom in Christ. Gain insight into her restoration, learning to do marriage God’s way, and finding profound purpose in marriage ministry.

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