Breaking Inner Vows: A Christian Approach to Healing and Surrender

Has anyone in your past or present made you mad, hurt your feelings, or caused you pain? Most of us can say yes to this question. In response to this hurt or pain, we often make inner vows—promises to ourselves that we will never let anyone hurt us in this way again. You may have told yourself, “No one will ever disrespect me again,” or “I will never have a marriage like my parents.” These inner vows might seem like a way to protect ourselves, but they can actually keep us in spiritual bondage.

Understanding the Danger of Inner Vows

When we make these inner vows, we aren’t trying to be evil; we’re trying to protect ourselves from experiencing that same pain again. However, the Bible tells us in Matthew 5:33-37 not to take oaths by anything. Instead, we should let our “yes” mean yes and our “no” mean no—anything more is from the evil one. By making these vows, we’re telling God that we need to control this part of our lives, effectively “kicking” Him off the throne in this area.


11 Steps to a close relationship with Jesus

The Spiritual Impact of Inner Vows

You may not realize it, but by making these inner vows, you’re telling God you don’t trust Him to handle things the way you want or need. When God isn’t in control, neither is His blessing. We’re removing the one who is perfect in all His ways, which means we’re also removing the blessings that come with His guidance. Breaking inner vows and surrendering control back to God is crucial for Christian spiritual healing.

Identifying Inner Vows in Your Life

How do you know if you’ve made any inner vows? Take time to search your heart and ask God to reveal any areas of your life where you’ve tried to take control. A clue that you have an inner vow might be if you overreact in certain situations or if people have told you that you seem a bit “crazy” about a specific topic. If you can answer yes to these questions, it’s likely you have made an inner vow.

Steps to Breaking Inner Vows

Now that you’ve identified your inner vows, it’s time to break them and surrender control back to God. Start by praying and confessing these vows. Tell God you’re sorry and repent for taking control away from Him. Lay this area of your life at the foot of the cross and fully surrender to Him. Overcoming inner vows also involves forgiving the person or people who hurt you, causing you to make those vows. Finally, break the spiritual power of each vow and bind any associated spirits. Repeat this prayer until you are free from the spiritual bondage that these inner vows have held over your life.

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